Onion Juice for Hair Growth – Amazing Benefits

Benefits of onion juice for hair
Benefits of onion juice for hair

Bactericidal and rich in antifungal properties, the use of Onion Juice for Hair Growth really helps in hair fall on the way.

Like them or not, raw onions are beneficial to health, as they contain flavonoids and polyphenols–one of the largest categories of phytonutrients in food.

Do you know that we need to just consume one big raw onion per day, in order to keep prevent some types of cancer at bay;

That would include colorectal, laryngeal, and ovarian cancer? In addition, the sulfur compounds in them provide protection for the heart and blood vessels from a fatal heart attack!

From dull hair to age spots and scaly skin, can onions perform like a Beauty Product? Far from being surprised, I would not hesitate to consider the humble onion… is making its way as one of the best food.

Why? It is for this reason that it has a lot more of its goodness to offer than flavoring your soup or curry! Being naturally acidic, you can use them to your advantage in making yourself more attractive… if you were interested and willing to learn to make how.

Here are some tips to show you how:-

For hair that shines – Use them in hair masks as the acidity will close the hair follicles, making your hair look shinier.

Use them as a hair conditioner – Grind a big onion and use it with an equal portion of coconut or olive oil to make a hair rinse.

Then leave it on for two hours before washing it off with a mild shampoo. It will work as a glossy conditioner for your crowning glory.

Counteract hair thinning by using onion & honey – Mix a big raw one grated, with two tablespoons of honey and rub it on your scalp.

Leave the mixture overnight, wrapping your head with a soft towel.

Do it twice a week. Ugh! It sounds ridiculous, right? What with the odor and the discomfort that can put you off?

But it can more help if you were to do it for a few hours in the day, even though you can’t do it overnight.

10 Amazing Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Here are 10 Amazing Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth

  • They are very good at hair follicle nutrition and help to restore lost nutrients to your skull.
  • They are rich in sulfur, which is known to reduce rupture and dilution.
  • They have powerful antibacterial properties that support in fighting the scalp infection. This, in turn, helps to reduce hair loss because the infection of the scalp can cause heavy loss of hair.
  • They are naturally powerful antioxidants, which is why they help in reversing the effects of greasing ahead of time.
  • This vegetable gives hair a healthy glow, which can become permanent if used regularly.
  • Research has found that they have a good ability to prevent cancer of the neck and head.
  • They make your hair dry from lice prevention.
  • Add some quantity by using onion juice for hair.
  • They can be used to fight dandruff due to their rich anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • They improve blood circulation, which is another way they contribute to hair growth and repair.

Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Learn how to make onion juice at home

Peel the onion and cut it into 4 parts
Blend these pieces into juicer/grinder
Add some water and then filter the juice using a muslin cloth.
It will ensure that no onions are not caught in your hair while using juice.

Know-How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Give a good massage of onion juice to your scalp
Using your fingers, gently massage it in your skull using circular movements.
Let it sit almost.

One hour, To get rid of the scent of onions, rubbing it with a fine fragrance light shampoo.

Pantene Pro-V silky smooth care shampoo and conditioner will gently clean your hair and nourish it too.

Do this often to see the benefits. You can actually try it once a week for 2 months to see some visual difference.

You can also add the benefits of onion and some other ingredients to get strong and shiny hair!

4 home-made onion juice packs for hair strong, healthy hair

1-  Honey & Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Take a quarter cup of onion juice
Mix one big spoonful honey in this juice
Place this mixture on your scalp and hair roots
Wash it with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes of the juice pack

2-  Olive oil and onion juice massage the hair for hair growth

Olive oil is a great oil for hair massage because it enters your scalp and nourishes easily.

Olive oil also has anti-dandruff properties and so this is an extra bonus!

3 teaspoons of onion juice
Mix 1 and a half spoon olive oil in it
Massage this mixture in your skull in the circular motion
Wash it with light shampoo after 2 hours
Do this regularly to get strong, Russian free hair!

3-  Onion and curry leaf leaves the hair mask

Curry leaves are known for their many hair benefits.

It helps to strengthen hair, protects hair from being white, and enhances hair health.

Blend the fresh curry leaves in a paste
Mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice in this curry paste
Put this hair pack on your scalp
Wash it with a mild shampoo after one hour
Daily moisture repair shampoo
Pantene Daily Moisture Repairs Shampoo Keep hair healthy and shiny Now discover!

4-  Strong Hair Curd and Onion Hair Pack

Curd helps fight hair loss and when it is added with onion juice, it helps in the process of hair growth.

Mix 2 tablespoons of curd and fresh onion juice in a bowl.
Put this hair mask on your scalp
Wash this mixture with a mild shampoo after one hour

Tips to Remember When Using Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Filter the always made juice so that the hair on your hair should not be removed from the onion particles.

Removing these flakes from the hair is going maybe a painful task.

Before applying on the scalp, it is better to filter the juice with the muslin cloth.

  • Always use a mild shampoo to wash onions juice from your hair.
  • You can use garlic, apple cider vinegar to get the benefit of these ingredients.
  • If you can not taste a pungent smell, you can add some drops of your favorite essential oils in juice.
  • To prevent an allergic reaction, always use a pistachio juice before doing a patch.

After getting so much information related to hair care while using onion juice, you may be thinking about some basic questions.

Read on to find answers to the most frequently asked questions:

# 1- Can the onion juice stay on hair all night?

It depends on the level of baldness experienced by the user.

You can apply onion juice to the hair at night and wash it in the morning when it has a slightly sulfuric element because it can cause irritation in the scalp.

Maybe you can mix a little onion juice in castor oil and leave it overnight, but we recommend standard DIY methods that apply onions for hair for no more than 30 minutes.

# 2- How often should I use onion juice for hair growth and repair?

You can start once a week and gradually reduce the application, once you see the visual change (you should be able to see the change within 1.5 months).

If you do not see the change within 2-3 months, it can be an irreversible hair loss and you can meet a doctor for the treatment of hair loss.

# 3- How long the onion juice remains in the fridge?

It is recommended to use fresh onion juice on every time of use.

However, if you want to store it in the refrigerator, you can freeze the juice for 5 days.

# 4- Is Onion juice for Hair Growth Any Side Effects?

No, it is not, however, we suggest a patch test before taking this DIY for skin irritation test.

# 5- How to remove the scent of onion from your hair?

You can wash your hair with a sour fruit-based shampoo (preferably lemon) to get rid of the terrible onion-odor

You can wash your hair with water too.

Use boiling water to heat the henna and mint leaves in a glass of water and use it as the last hair rinse after cooling it down.

You can also add a little lemon juice to the onion juice to reduce the bland of the onions.

I hope you will find here some useful information related to Onion Juice for Hair Growth

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