Freedom from Diabetes / Best Foods for Diabetes

Freedom from Diabetes
Freedom from Diabetes

First of all, we need to know about what is diabetes and what are the diabetes sign and symptoms and what are the best foods for diabetes. 

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that result in excess sugar in the blood known as ( high concentration of the glucose in the blood) is also known as type-2 diabetes.

A chronic condition that affects the metabolism of glucose, so it’s also known as a metabolic disorder.
Diabetes is a life-long degenerative metabolic disorder. 

People with type – 2 diabetes have to produce insulin hormone, but their insulin hormone cannot control the metabolism of glucose in a proper way. 
So result in the excess amount of glucose in the blood. 

It can start deterioration in the body tissues and vital organs, excess glucose in this way works as a slow poison.

As a diabetic, it is more essential to watch what you eat, and take all the preventions to control your blood sugar levels.

Freedom from Diabetes

Best Food for Diabetes 
Diabetes Sign and Symptoms/Best Foods for Diabetes

The scientific reason behind diabetes is that there is a gland called the pancreas or pancreatic in the human body.

The main function is to secrete enzymes and hormones, and inside it is three types of cells which are called alpha cells respectively, Beta cells and gamma cells, the beta cells of which release the body’s hormone called insulin

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Freedom from Diabetes| What Causes Diabetes Type 2

The main function of the insulin hormone is to control the amount of glucose inside the blood.

if the amount of insulin hormone is reduced, the amount of glucose will be uncontrolled inside the blood and this enhanced glucose works in a manner of sweet poison and The other organ also starts to deteriorate slowly, therefore, we call diabetes a group of diseases

Now, in the end, the question arises, why does the secretion of insulin hormone become low or not at all as in the case of diabetes-1, yes, in the case of diabetes-1, insulin secretion may be closed partially, whereas diabetes -2, which we also called diabetes mellitus, I begin to reduce the secretion of insulin gradually

Some Causes of Low Insulin Secretion

One of the reasons is also genetic. In this case, the signs of disease reach the offspring of the parents through genetic means, which we call hereditary characters.

If the parents have diabetes, there are also increases in the incidence of diabetes in the two children. There is some reason

As our wrong habits – do not exercise, I do not pay attention to food and consuming more of fast food, it gradually increases obesity, which invites diabetes, so if you want to avoid diabetes, then we have the right diet and exercise in our daily routine.

Always be aware of physical fitness and your weight control

A low carbohydrate diet plan contains products that contain high-quality proteins and good fats with green and healthy vegetables, avoid high sugar content with foods, pasta, and white bread.

There are different types of low-carbohydrate diets, and beneficial for controlling cardiac health, weight loss, overall health, and controlling and preventing diabetic complications, hence adopting a low carbohydrate diet (food) plan For this, it is very beneficial.

What are the early signs of diabetes?

Symptoms associated with the diabetes

Although there are no symptoms in the beginning when the symptoms come, it is possible to experience thirst for it, repeated urination, low weight or increase, feeling of excessive exhaustion, and Blurry vision.

  • Being very thirsty 
  • Blurry vision 
  • Tingling or numbness in your  hands or feet 
  • High blood glucose 
  • Extra fat around the waist
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides levels 
  • Slow healing of wounds 
  • More chances of coming back with fungal and yeast infections in the form of skin diseases
  • Frequent urination 
  • Increased hunger
  • Weight loss 


  • Heart disease
  • Stroke ( heart-attack)
  • Diabetic retinopathy – leads to blindness
  • Kidney failure
  • Amputations ( Poor blood flow in limbs) result in numbness.

Wrong Habits and Lifestyles Which Promote Diabetes 

  • Getting little or no exercise 
  • Smoking 
  • Stress
  • Depression 
  • Sleeping too little or too much 

How to control and prevent?

Freedom from Diabetes

By Fallow some tips and habits

  • Try to not increase in body weight, because excess body weight causes insulin resistance. 
  • Daily exercise including cardiac-like jogging, these types of activities can burn excess levels of glucose from the body. 
  • Eating properly and highly customized diet plans like intake of high proteins low carbohydrates and low fat with a rich amount of vegans in the form of palettes.
Best Food for Diabetes
Diabetes Sign and Symptoms and Best Foods for Diabetes
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Freedom from Diabetes|Best Foods for Diabetes Control

It’s important to know about the Best Foods for Diabetes, best foods for diabetes control Because diabetes is a life-long disease, only one thing can save a life: Awareness about the disease with knowledge of type-2 diabetes symptoms, blood sugar level, a sign of diabetes.
how to diabetes cure with the help of Best foods for diabetes / best food for diabetes control.
Which type of foods did we take?

Best Foods for Diabetes

Eating foods with whole grains, fresh and green vegetables, fruit & proteins is important for good health. And also it’s beneficial in case if you are suffering from diabetes.
To help and manage your diabetes, here’s a list of amazing foods that research has shown to be highly beneficial to manage your blood sugar levels and helping you fit and healthy. 

These foods are in riched with powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and are easily available everywhere.

Freedom from Diabetes | Best foods for diabetes in India

Garlic: Best food for diabetes

Best Food for Diabetes
Best Food for Diabetes
Garlic has numerous health benefits and it’s highly recommended for diabetic patients, regular consumption of raw garlic can help in promoting the secretion of insulin which is directly involved in the process of regulating blood sugar levels.
The sulfurous compounds present in garlic play an important role in increasing insulin levels. Garlic is responsible for lowering the effects of complications developed due to diabetes.
The latest research has shown that it also decreases bad cholesterol, fights against infections, and supports blood flow.

The sulfurous compounds present in garlic like Allin play a vital role in increasing insulin levels. 

Research has shown that it also reduces bad cholesterol (Low-density lipid), fights against infections, and promotes blood circulation, and maintains blood pressure.

Fenugreek Seeds: Best food for diabetes

Best Food for Diabetes
Best Foods for Diabetes


The use of Fenugreek for the treatment of diabetes from ancient times is the best source of highly soluble fibers, In traditional medicine.

Fenugreek is thought to promote digestion and reduce blood sugar levels in the diabetics and absorption of carbohydrates to lower blood sugar levels, So the best food for diabetes in India.

Fenugreek seed is a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins b, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. seeds can show significant improvements in the metabolic symptoms of diabetes.
It improves glucose tolerance and also lowers blood glucose levels. Including fenugreek seeds in your daily routine diet may reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol, it’s also giving protection against heart diseases and obesity.

Almonds: Best food for diabetes

Almonds are the best food for diabetes control because it contains the rich amounts of essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, a full range of minerals, an excellent source of Vitamin E and magnesium, which diabetes patients are likely to be deficient in.

Additionally, almonds contain a good amount of fibers, protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and monounsaturated fats.
Studies have shown that consuming almonds support lowers the glycemic index and prevent the rise in blood sugar levels.

Bitter melon: Best food for diabetes

Best Foods for Diabetes
Best Foods for Diabetes


Bitter melon is a very popular vegetable that is grown in several parts of Asia, East Africa, and South America.

In India and China bitter melon has been used to treat diabetes since ancient times in traditional medicine for centuries.

It contains a lot of nutritional ingredients like vitamins, minerals like vitamin C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, packed with lots of fibers.  

It is also having low calories vegetables and it is highly effective in weight loss. It also consists of a chemical known as phytochemicals which lower the high blood glucose levels.

It is very effective and potentially high in the source of various health-supporting ingredients like flavonoids i.e. beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Bitter melon has been used to prevent diabetes, bitter melon probably lowers blood sugar and best food for diabetes control.
Bitter melon is rich in hypoglycemic ingredients, which lowers the sugar levels in the bloodstream, Regular use of its juice significantly improves glucose tolerance and boosts the immune system without showing any hike in insulin levels.

Turmeric: Best food for diabetes

Best Foods for Diabetes
Diabetes Sign and Symptoms / Best Food for Diabetes
Turmeric is the best anti-inflammatory herb it heals the body in a natural way and very potent healing herb, has been known for its several healing abilities, but what you may not know is that it also helps in regulating blood glucose in the body.
If you add a pinch of turmeric to your daily diet plan then it effectively balances blood sugar levels, prevents the development of insulin sensitivity and boosts immune systems, reduces body fat and cholesterol, and prevents infections and inflammation, thus helping in the prevention and cure of diabetes.

Spinach: Best food for diabetes

Best Foods for Diabetes
Fresh spinach from the garden is mostly used for salads and in place of lettuce on greeny sandwiches.


It contains niacin and zinc, protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, and K, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.

In another word, it’s a powerhouse of nutrients, spinach also contains flavonoids, they are working as antioxidants to keep protect your body from free radicals.
The foliate in spinach is great for your healthy cardiovascular system, and magnesium supports lower high blood pressure.
Studies also have shown that spinach helps to maintain your brain functions, memory, and mental health, So Best Food for Diabetes, the best food for diabetes control.
Diabetes Sign and Symptoms/Best Food for Diabetes 

Cinnamon: Best food for diabetes

Best Foods for Diabetes
Best Food for Diabetes | best food for diabetes control
  • Cinnamon is a delicious spice and potent antioxidant property.
  • Several research studies have shown that cinnamon can causes lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin effectiveness.
  • Cinnamon can improve blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, Bad cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in type 2 diabetes.
  • A recent analysis of research papers found that cinnamon may also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • After all, you should take it in limited quantities and not more than one teaspoon of cinnamon in a single day.
  • It contains coumarin, which is associated with health problems at higher doses.

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Diabetes Sign and Symptoms / Best Foods for Diabetes

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Freedom from Diabetes / Best Foods for Diabetes

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Diabetes Sign and Symptoms / Best Foods for Diabetes 
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