Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Summer Fruit in Season Dehydration Fruits and Vegetables
Summer Fruit in Season Dehydration Fruits and Vegetables

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration of Fruit and Vegetables

Top 6 Summer Fruits in Season Which Protect you Against Heat Stroke and Dehydration

Fruit juice has tremendous Health Benefits because it is absolutely natural and contains abundant vitamins, including multi-mineral carbohydrate, antioxidants, and fibers. 

Which provide rapid energy to the body, as well as detoxify and Make your digestion system strong.

And besides, after taking fruit juice, it gets digested very easily and most feel the freshness. 

Prevent from dehydration and heat stroke with these nutrient-packed summer seasons fruits, with the intake of summer seasonal healthy fruits, the descriptions of some nutritional fruits are given below.

  • Tomatoes 
  • Watermelon 
  • Cucumber 
  • Lemons 
  • Spinach 
  • Zucchini
Summer Fruit in Season Dehydration Fruits and Vegetables
Summer Fruit in Season Dehydration Fruits and Vegetables

1. Tomatoes: 

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables
 Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables
Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C, vitamin C has a great role in your health, it’s work as an internal antiseptic, important for proper blood circulation. 

They also contain beneficial antioxidant like Lycopene is another carotene’s that has numerous health benefits and work as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and chemotherapeutic effects.  

Which also prevent chronic diseases.

2. Watermelon: 

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables
Over 90 percent of a watermelon is water, Refreshing, tasty, juicy and hydrating, watermelon provides us the nutrition and flavors what we need.
Summertime is when watermelons are best in quality because it’s a summer weather fruit. 
The plenty of antioxidants in Watermelon may reduce the risk of complications like diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and arthritis. 
Watermelon is also high in vitamins C and A (in the form of beta-carotene) and the antioxidant lycopene,  Potassium, which helps muscles and neurons function in the nervous system. 
Regulation of the body’s electrolyte and PH value balance inside the body, and decrease the risk of high blood pressure, So It is very beneficial to eating watermelon.
With about 90%  of weight coming from water, watermelon also contributes to fluid intake and electrolytes balance especially important during summer weather.

3. Cucumbers: Summer Fruit in Season

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Keep cool and fresh just like a cucumber and include these green vegetables into your summer diet plans.  Health benefits of cucumbers are numerous. The skins and seeds of cucumbers are rich in nutrients, so consuming the whole fruit is beneficial. 

Cucumbers contain a phytochemical called lignin, lignin is highly effective in the treatment of cancer.

4. Lemons: Summer Fruit in Season

Lemons are highly famous due to its pungent aromatic flavors which feels us fresh and clean. 

Lemons are a powerful fruit and a great gift from nature. They give us great fresh juice and help in to stay healthy. There are various types of benefits of lemons.
It is a  rich source of vitamin C and B complex, fiber and various minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and powerful antioxidants, which makes lemon a tasty, delicious fruit.

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Due to fibers, it prevents constipation so the digestive tract is healthy and also prevents diabetes and hemorrhoid’s problems (piles). 
Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C around 67%, it’s very important for healthy blood circulation and responsible for the healthy skin, teeth, gums, and blood vessels, also participate in various physiological processes. 
lemon is antiseptic in nature and it’s used in various treatments like depression and anxiety.
Lemons are rich with various phytochemicals 
Phytochemicals are planted vitamins which play the role as a antioxidants 

Lemons contain 

1- Phytochemicals 
2- Polyphenols
3- terpenes 
4- tannins
Health benefits of lemon: Summer Fruit in Season

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

  • Lemons are good for weight control, helpful in digestion also prevent kidney stones, improves skin quality.
  • Lemon oil is used in aromatherapy  Contribute to relaxation, Lemon oil aroma does not interfere with the human immunological system but may contribute to relaxation.
  • Lemon is considered to be one of the healthiest foods on Earth. 
  • Definitely, lemon is an ingredient which you have to intake on daily basis. It is not just that lemon improves the taste of our food it also promotes our health. 
  • Lemons are one of the best sources of vitamin C. An average lemon contains 75% of daily requirements for vitamin C.
  • If you mix lemon juice with lukewarm water and honey, it is very beneficial in throat infection, lemon is a natural antiseptic and it reduces the irritation in your throat caused by bacteria or virus.
  • Lemons are helpful in weight loss.
  • Studies show that lemon juice can help with maintaining your ideal weight.
  • Lemon juice contains a type of soluble pectin fibers that have been responding to an important role in burning extra body fat.
  • Lemon water work as a natural fat burning agent.
  • Also, lemon is a good oxidizing agent.

Kindly see the online video on lemon


5. Spinach: Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Spinach fresh from the garden is often used for salads and in place of lettuce on sandwiches.
Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Spinach contains niacin and zinc, protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese. In another word, it’s a powerhouse of nutrients 

Spinach also contains flavonoids, they are working as an antioxidant to keep protect your body from free radicals, The foliate in spinach is good for your healthy cardiovascular system, and magnesium helps lower high blood pressure. 

Studies also have shown that spinach helps to maintain your brain functions, memory, and mental health.

6. Zucchini:  Summer Fruit in Season

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

Zucchini has a very high water percentage, low in carbohydrates and sugars, but high amounts of essential minerals like potassium, manganese and various vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin A. 

To add more filling volume to your meals with little extra calories, you can use zucchini in a variety of different cuisines and healthy raw snack in your diet plan. 

Zucchini promotes the health of the gut, nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems.

In the zucchini contains a fiber called pectin, which is a type of beneficial polysaccharides that is associated with the health of the cardiovascular system and have the ability to reduce cholesterol in a natural way.

I hope you will find here some useful information related to

Summer Fruit in Season | Dehydration Fruit and Vegetables

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